About UGHS for Gas Clothing Iron

Gas Clothing Iron
URJA Gas Heating System for Gas Clothing Iron
In the ruler area the Laundry businessman had to use coal as a fuel for iron due to non adequate availability of electrical energy. To provide a very safe and eco friendly solution for these very people the thought of making an Iron which works on gas came ten years ago and further explored and this product was developed. The product went through various development stages and tried and tested. This is for the commercial Laundry use. Safety of Man and the cloths is the top most priority. Today we have approx 8000 satisfied customers. We have also exported this product.
The LPG consumption is very low and 200 to 225 cloths can be ironed in 1 Kg of LPG. The cost for ironing is as low as Rs 0.30 to Rs. 0.32 per Cloth.
We have also developed a low cost Saree Roll Press which operate on Gas for heating purpose and single face electric supply for the motor. Approx 25 nos are already rolled out in the Indian market.
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